Photovoltaic panels
Above all, high-quality photovoltaic panels make up a good solar photovoltaic system. You will learn how photovoltaic panels are divided and what they can be used for in this section on photovoltaic panels.
Photovoltaic subsidies in the form of "Green bonuses" are still the most advantageous form of drawing state-guaranteed prices. They are mainly intended for family houses and households, but also for places without an electrical connection.
Subsidies for photovoltaic systems and photovoltaic power plants are provided only in the form of so-called purchase prices or in the form of a green bonus. The green bonus can also be used in places where there is no electricity connection, e.g. in cottages or summer houses.
Green bonus support for a photovoltaic power plant or an island photovoltaic system can also be used during the so-called stop state where distribution companies do not issue positive opinions on connection. In case of island traffic, there is no need to request connection to the DS. Only a license to produce electricity is requested, so the green bonus can also be obtained for cottages or cottages. Places without a conventional electricity connection therefore have an advantage during this period and can operate a photovoltaic island system in green bonus mode.
Photovoltaic solar panels of selected brands of the world's best photovoltaic manufacturers. Hybrid photovoltaic solar power plants can be designed from any photovoltaic panels from our offer. Due to the constantly changing inventory of photovoltaic panels and the price depending on the number of solar panels taken, we do not quote the price per unit. If you are interested in a quote, you can send us an inquiry via email. If the panels you requested are no longer in stock, we will be happy to offer you an alternative.
Unfortunately, we CANNOT order smaller quantities than 10 solar panels separately. We provide discounts on photovoltaic panels for bulk purchases or when you buy a turnkey hybrid photovoltaic power plant!